Article: Working but Poor in New York City

“Working but Poor in New York City”
Volume 9:1-2, p. 101 (2011)
by Howard Shih

ABSTRACT: This policy brief summarizes the methodology and key findings of the Asian American Federation’s report, Working but Poor: Asian Americans in New York City. The report marked the first time Asian American poverty in New York City was examined in detail using the new American Community Survey (ACS) Public Use Microdata Sample. The report also uses two definitions to examine struggling Asian Americans, the official poverty thresholds traditionally used and a concept of low-income families defined as families living below twice the federal poverty thresholds. After a summary on the methodology of the report, the brief will cover the findings and recommendations through three issue areas: improving job opportunities for working-age Asian Americans, building skills to help Asian American children broaden their future opportunities, and helping seniors in need of access to the social safety net. The brief concludes with an overview of Asian American poverty from a national perspective and discussion of future areas of study.



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Article Citation:
Howard Shih (2011) Working but Poor in New York City. AAPI Nexus: Policy, Practice and Community: 2011, Vol. 9, No. 1-2, pp. 101-112.

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