Article: Getting Out the Vote among Asian Americans in Los Angeles County: The Effects of Phone Canvassing

“Getting Out the Vote among Asian Americans in Los Angeles County: The Effects of Phone Canvassing”
Volume 2:2, p. 49 (2004)
by Janelle S. Wong

ABSTRACT: Asian Americans are the fastest growing segment of the population yet have one of the lowest voter turnouts. The article provides some explanation why this is so, and political mobilization is one of the causes given. There is an experimental voter mobilization conducted in high-density Asian American communities in Los Angeles County, calling the treatment group to encourage them to vote. The difference between the control group and the treatment group is explained. The purpose of the experiment is to understand the political behavior of Asian Americans, a group who exhibit a lower voter turnout. The methods employed allow researches to accurately measure the effectiveness of mobilization on voter turnout. Another goal of the article is to figure out strategies to harness limited sources within a community to mobilize Asian Americans to vote. A list of the findings of the study and policy implications is discussed.



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