Article: Loss in Translation: Housing Counseling Agency Segmentation in the Twin Cities

“Loss in Translation: Housing Counseling Agency Segmentation in the Twin Cities”
Volume 13:1-2, p. 206 (2015)
by C. Aujean Lee

ABSTRACT: Housing counseling agencies (HCAs) in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area have served as important resources for homeowners at risk of foreclosure. However, Asian American–serving HCAs have experienced increased segmentation in the nonprofit sector and also among HCAs because of language assistance. Using interviews with foreclosure counselors, this study finds that HCAs that provide Asian-language assistance experience similar challenges as other HCAs, but are also at a disadvantage in resources and capacity compared to other HCAs. The study has implications for how to better serve immigrant homeowners with language needs, particularly because they require more time and resources.



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Article Citation:
C. Aujean Lee (2015) Loss in Translation: Housing Counseling Agency Segmentation in the Twin Cities. AAPI Nexus: Policy, Practice and Community: 2015, Vol. 13, No. 1-2, pp. 206-230.

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